make this world better for
the people by helping
local entrepreneurs
our vision
We make the world a better place in poor countries of our World!

It is the largest scandal of today's world, that our Global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are still far from being met: According to UN 2015, no less than 836 million people still live in absolute poverty, 12.9% of humanity is undernourished and 663 million drink untreated water. We have to mobilize all available resources to improve living conditions in poor countries of our World!
our mission
Sistac empowers Start-up founders to boost the social impact of their innovation!

Social impact Start-up (SIST) founders are crucial drivers of socio-economic development in the 21st century: They can unleash the "Paradox of Prosperity" (Christensen 2019). identifies these founders in a thorough multi-step process and boosts their invention e.g. by running specific university courses worldwide, organizing financial and non-financial support or providing experienced business coaches.
our values
✓ Empathic:
We clearly understand the vision, intentions and values of our entrepreneurs. We also see the challenges of their effort!

✓ Committed:
Together we engage for our entrepreneurs thoroughly investigating the relevant business environment in their targeted regions!

✓ Honest:
We cultivate trustworthy agency, communicating our rules transparently and protecting the interests of our entrepreneurs!

✓ Innovative:
We figure out sophisticated business models and value chains to help them succeed!